Beginning Photography
I have discovered a new passion - photography, in particular, nature photography. How did I, a confirmed couch potato take up this? Especially when it means lugging heavy equipment across not-so-flat trials? And an expensive one to boot?
Thanks to and its author, Vijay Cavale. I stumbled across his site one day and fell in love with his photos. That was the beginning of an amazing journey, a journey that so far has opened a new world for me - a world where dawn finds me in the middle of a beautiful jungle, with birds and animals welcoming the dawn in their own ways. A world where everything is so tranquil and soothing, away from the hustle and bustle.
Then I got myself invited to, a place where some of India's best photographers publish their photos for the world to see as well as answer queries on the forums.
These are some of the best sites by Indian wildlife enthusiasts on birds and other fauna.
Vijay and a couple of people from IIFM, Bhopal have created a software application that is indeed a boon to budding naturalists - an application that has many details, including calls (sounds) of birds in Central India. You could download this application free of cost at
Now, a return to my attempts. I bought myself a Panasonic FZ7 Digital Camera, after agonizing

I hope I am able to continue on this wonderful path that some of my fellow human beings have chosen to walk.
[These links have been provided in good faith and to bring to light some great work being done, so kindly refrain from any actions that could destroy such works.]
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